Work and a busy home life can take a lot out of you and make it difficult to find time for yourself. In fact the average UK adult hasn’t learnt or tried a new active hobby in the last five and a half years. Thankfully, a beachclub holiday is the perfect time to try new things. It’s a great way to slow down, recharge the batteries, spend time with loved ones and do things you wouldn’t normally have time to do.
There’s a whole host of benefits to be gained from trying new things. Throwing yourself into a new activity has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety whilst boosting your sense of wellbeing. Whatever your age, you experience the same feelings of pride, confidence and excitement when you try new things – it’s that childlike ‘I did it!’ feeling all over again.
Overcoming mental and physical blocks
You may be on a Neilson holiday, with loads of inclusive activities at your fingertips, but you could find yourself holding back from trying something new. There could be many reasons for this, but the most common mental and physical blocks to trying something new is not being fit enough or thinking you won’t be any good at it. This is a common catch 22 that can easily be overcome. By actually trying and practising a new activity you will naturally become fitter and better at it.
Another common block is comparing yourself to others. People who may be younger, fitter and more competent in an activity. Remember you are improving all of the time, as you become fitter and more comfortable with an activity, your self-confidence is likely to improve too. And as all sports have different levels and age groups, from entry level to championship, from junior to senior, there’s nothing actually stopping you but yourself.
At all Neilson beachclubs, we teach activities in a progressive way, from beginners through to experts, so you will always be learning at a comfortable pace and with others of the same ability as you. It’s a fun way to try a new activity, whilst enjoying the camaraderie and encouragement of the group.
Fear of failure might be another factor, but the best way to learn something new is through trial and error. Don’t set your goals too high to begin with; try that easy bike ride, or the beginner windsurfing group. You may never have stepped on a windsurf board before, but that’s OK, it’s all about finding your thing and giving it a go.

The benefits of learning a new activity
It’s always fun to do something new, but often we fall into the trap of spending our free time in the same old ways. If you’re stuck in a familiar routine, it might be time to try something new. No idea what to try? Give a beachclub holiday, jam-packed with inclusive activities a go and you may well find your thing.
As well as being fun, the physical benefits of learning a new activity are well known. An active holiday takes you out of the familiar and creates the time and space to try something new, to exercise, to stimulate the brain and to learn new physical activities.
Physical exercise is also crucial to the way we think and feel and can even reverse some of the effects of ageing in the brain. When learning new things, new brain connections are made, and as they are created it can feel like a spark of energy is released. This is the uplifting rush we experience when we master something new.
Neilson holidays are designed to overcome the barriers people face when learning something new and to cater for all ability levels, from absolute beginners to those who are more experienced. Ultimately it’s about being able to re-discover passion for an activity, do more of what you love, or find your thing.

Finding your own passion
Take your lead from the youngsters in your life, watch the natural enthusiasm and fearlessness of children when they try new things. Put yourself in their place; remember the feeling when you made your first downhill ride? The first time you completed a length at the swimming pool, the first time you sailed in high winds or the first time you managed a jump wakeboarding? Well that’s what you’re missing out on if you don’t seek out new experiences.
The only way to find your own passion is to try new things and express who you are as a person. Although this can be scary at first, the benefits can be highly liberating and rewarding. So much happens just outside your comfort zone, so why not go there, try something new and join us this summer to find your passion.
Stop putting off learning to sail, getting back in the saddle, picking up a tennis racket or taking those first steps to getting fit. Broaden your horizons and pick up a new skill; the benefits are priceless. Challenge your body and mind, you may surprise yourself and even discover a hidden talent.