Sardinia is the perfect destination for a holiday that’s a blend of relaxation and activity. Our Baia dei Mori Beachclubhas arelaxed vibe, but it’s also a great spot for getting involved in running, thanks to the beautiful surroundingarea. Our run clubs, arranged and guidedby our fitness team, are an amazing way to maintain (or gain) fitness whilst taking in the sights of Sardinia. There are running routes to match every ability level, from off-road trails to road runs around the local villages. Check out our top picks for running trails in Sardinia.
Budoni Beach Run
The run in one sentence: Short, sharp and fantastically varied. Length: 2.8 miles/4.5km on road and trail. Difficulty level: Intermediate - features two short climbs. What makes it special: We’ll take you off-road through pine trees along the coastline. The run through the trees is truly special, with calming sea views and Budoni beach in the distance, the added bonus of some shade is very welcome! Once throughthe trees, the run takes you along the beach, a realtrail running experience. Niggly parts: Even though this run is under the 5km mark, you’ll still be challenged. The initial hill out of the resort, commonly known as the ‘hill of joy’, will certainly wake up the legs!Once you make it past the hill, we’ll guide you on a gradual downhill run towards the coast. Running through the forest means it gets a little ‘rooty’ underfoot! Top tip: Prepare yourself for the initial hill out of the resort. From there, you’ll be cruising back without a worry! Remember to watch your footing through the forest.

Tanaunella Run
The run in one sentence: A great way to see the local village and soak up the views along the coast. Length: 3.8 miles/6km on the road. Difficulty level: Intermediate with an undulating road run. What makes it special: This run dodges the ‘hill of joy’ immediately outside the beachclub, so if you’re looking to avoid a steep incline, this isthe run for you! You'll be running along the beautiful coastline and into the local village of Tanaunella, taking in some amazing views along the way. Niggly parts: You’ll start on a sandy trackwhich will require some extra exertion. The road begins to undulate from then on. It’s a great challengefor any intermediate runner. Top tip: Hold some back and take it easy through the sand at the start of the run!

Tanaunella Village Road Loop
The run in one sentence: A picturesque, hilly route that’s great for an extra challenge. Length: 3.8 miles/6km onroad. Difficulty level: Higher intermediate with hills and some sprinting sections. What makes it special: We’ll guide you around a picturesque loop, taking in the sights of Tanaunella village and beautiful views of the coastline. As you retrace your steps you’ll be able to sprint back to the resort gates on downhill roads and grassy verges. Niggly parts: You’ll come face to face with the ‘hill of joy’ immediately as you leave the resort. The run to Tanaunella is a bit hilly, but once you overcome it we’ll be guiding you back downhill for the remainder of the run, so you can get up a bit of speed! Top tip: Pace yourself – if you’re too hot off the mark on the ‘hill of joy’, you’ll feel it halfway round the loop! Make sure you admire the Disney-esque houses of Tanaunella as you go.