Walk through any town or city across the country and you’ll notice one thing - Britain has fallen back in love with cycling. Cycling UK estimates that 1.7 million adults take to two wheels on an almost daily basis. However, the Brits hopping onto bikes are mainly focused on road cycling. Whilst road cycling is great for both fitness and fun, we here at Neilson believe in the power of going off the beaten track. Here are just some of the benefits of going off-road, and the reasons why any keen cyclist should consider leaving the tarmac behind.
Building strength and speed
Long distance road cycling is an excellent way to build endurance, but a foray into the off-road world has a huge impact on strength training. The varied terrains, obstacles and inclines require bursts of energy that improve both muscle strength and definition. Then there’s the speed pay-off - overcoming these hurdles, tackling challenging landscapes, and building your strength are amazing ways to improve your speed on road. When you’re next attempting a breakneck pace, you’ll notice the edge off-roading has given you.

Improving mental health
While any form of exercise can work well as an antidote to the stresses of modern life, taking a break from urban landscapes and reconnecting with the great outdoors is thought to be especially beneficial for health and wellbeing. Aside from the positive effect of immersing yourself in nature, an off-road cycling adventure also offers a refreshing alternative to well-traversed road routes. Mixing up your exercise regime by incorporating some off-roading ensures your body doesn’t become accustomed to the same routine, and also gives your mental approach an energizing boost.

Enhanced bone density
Cycling is known for being an excellent way to keep fit while recovering from an injury, due to its low impact nature. However, for this reason, it can also result in cyclists having a lower bone density than those who engage in more weight-bearing exercise. To avoid this, consider a switch to off-roading - the vibrations produced by the rugged terrains and the extra strength required are thought to improve bone density, meaning an off-road session will work wonders for your overall performance both on and off-road.

Handle with care
Off-roadmountain bikingis a great wayto improve bike handling skills. You’ll learn to keep the weight in your feet, stay relaxed on the bike and be nimble and dexterous in all situations. All of these essential off-roading skills will also greatly improve your road riding experience - once you’ve tackled the challenge of the dirt track, your newly acquired or improved abilities will make tackling the road a breeze.

Intense cardio workout
When you’re navigating off-road tracks, you’ll need intense bursts of energy, and these are particularly good at improving the cardiovascular system. Pushes of high intensity followed by periods of low intensity have the same effect as HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts, helping you burn fat and improve fitness. While endurance is required for road biking, having the capability to push through intense periods when required is essential at a competitive level.

Becoming an expert
For some, road biking is little more than a healthy alternative to the packed train on the commute to work, but for many others, biking is a passion. Getting involved in the off-road world brings with it a new set of biking equipment, criteria and vocabulary - learning about lowering tyre pressures, calibrating spring compression equalization and dropping the saddle for peak performance brings a whole new cohort of knowledge for keen cyclists to absorb, as well as the exhilarating experience of discovering the great outdoors.