With a little practice, players from two years old can discover the joys of the world’s top racket sport. From having a quick knock about on your local court to seeing away strawberries and cream at Wimbledon, tennis brings pleasure to hundreds of people every day.
A tennis holiday is the perfect way to see if tennis is the right activity for you, have loads of fun in the sun and start your love affair with the sport.
Try before you buy
Getting into tennis doesn’t have to cost the world. There are plenty of clubs, associations and courts accessible for a minimal fee or even free.
When it comes to finding your sport of choice, try before you buy is a winning philosophy. Parting with a little cash for tennis equipment is well worth it if you’re besotted with the sport, but it’s not something you want to do until you’ve tried it out to see whether tennis is right for you.
A Neilson holiday is the ideal way to try tennis for size and find out whether it’s something you want to take up back home. With superstar coaches able to help you grasp the basics and develop your technique, fellow players of varying skill levels all there to play and have fun, plus all the equipment on hand and available for free, our beachclub holidays let you dive into tennis without a care in the world.

Opportunities for team play
Sometimes, you just need the encouragement of others to help you realise your talents and enjoyment for a new activity or sport.
Tennis holidays tend to focus not just on developing your skills and fitness but also on making it a fun and sociable experience for players of every ability. From pairing you up with a partner for doubles games, to training in groups with exercises and drills that get you working as a team and honing your technique, tennis holidays give you plenty of opportunity to practice your ball and racket skills in a sociable and fun environment.

Fantastic way to keep fit
Instead of getting fit before your holiday, get fit on it!
Neilson’s tennis holidays offer fantastic one-on-one coaching sessions as well as specialist group programmes helping you really feel the burn. Tennis is a fantastic cardio activity helping you burn calories while you have fun. Your average tennis game can last for around two hours and are as good a workout as HIIT classes. So when you’re training as a group there’s plenty of focus on short spurts of speed that you repeat over and over again, a great way to get fit fast!
Once you’ve got the hang of the basics, the simple rules and sporting atmosphere of tennis make it a fantastic, fun and easy sport to really get into and play without supervision. A number of the Neilson Beachclubs have top of the range tennis courts available to play on for free whenever you like. That gives plenty of opportunity to grab your partner, your kids, or a holiday buddy for a friendly knockabout. With the excellent training on offer on a tennis holiday, you’ll be serving up aces and smashing those returns in no time, so throw yourself into the game and reap those exercise benefits.
It’s not just the tennis that will get you fitter. Neilson make sure they serve up plenty of delicious, healthy food options, so you can enjoy some holiday indulgence while still eating a balanced diet. The excellent Neilson holiday facilities and services, like stunning pools, yoga classes and deep tissue massages, are a fantastic way to help you recover from all that tennis exertion. With a tennis holiday, you’ll return home fitter and healthier than ever.

Perfect way to socialise
Tennis holidays are a great way to meet new friends as you get to grips with the game. Group training sessions that pair you up and put you into teams offer a fantastic chance to meet people in a supportive and fun environment. At the end of a day training out in the fresh air people meet at the pool or over dinner to chat and compare notes on how their day went. From kids discovering the sport for the first time to grandparents trying to find a fun way to stay fit in retirement, there are people of every age and ability looking to have fun, get fit, and meet new people.

A great family game
Tennis holidays are perfect for families looking for fun activities the whole family can enjoy. From kids’ clubs to one-on-one or couples coaching, The Neilson teams are able to help each member of the family individually get the most out of their game, while also teaching them tennis related games and techniques that keep everyone having fun!
Kids and parents alike will meet new friends as they join in group classes promoting the social aspect of the game and helping keep everyone busy and happy off the courts. Once everyone has grasped the basics, the tennis courts are always available for parents vs. kids match or longest volley competition.
Tennis is a great way for families to bond and to get the kids active and running around in the sunshine. If they fall in love with tennis on holiday, you can carry on the sport at home through tennis clubs, tennis courts, and tennis schemes like “Tennis for Free”. Tennis holidays are the ideal way to get into tennis, not just during your time away, but once you’ve returned home and beyond.
If you’re raring to get on the courts, browse our best tennis beachclubs and join us this summer!