Keeping teenagers amused on a family holiday is no mean feat. After all, we all remember being the age when a family holiday was pretty low on our wish list.
But don’t despair – there are plenty of things you can do to teenager-proof your holiday and make sure your precious time away is enjoyable for the whole family.
Here are a few of our secrets to a teenager-friendly holiday:
Involve them in the plans
If you can involve your teenager in the holiday planning as early as possible, the chances of them being on board are much better. Get them involved in choosing the destination, asking them what they want from their holiday and listening to their ideas. A little bit of power can have a huge impact when it comes to keeping your oh-so-nearly-adult happy.

Friends are all important
For many teenagers, their friends are the centre of their universe (sorry parents, they still love you really)!
You could organise a group holiday with family friends or consider letting your teen invite a friend along, so they have someone to hang out with. Or if bringing existing mates isn’t an option, you can just give them the chance to make plenty of new ones.
Teens might think they’re too old for kids’ clubs, but once they see the cool activities our Neilson sports instructors and reps have got planned for them, they’ll soon change their tune. In fact, they’re so in demand, it’s best to pre-book a place. You’ll find a choice of clubs to suit all ages of teenagers:
- Surf Squad: 12 and 13-year-olds love the non-stop action of our Surf Squad. Whether they’re in the sea, at the pool or on the beach, they’ll be mixing it up with new friends and learning new skills.
- Wave Riders: Teens aged 14 and 15 years old can enjoy a mix of chilled out times with new friends and exciting activities in our Wave Riders gang. Popular activities include volleyball, tennis and kayaking.
- TAG: Designed to appeal to our oldest teenagers, TAG gives 16 and 17-year-olds the chance to dip in and out of a packed menu of organised activities and excursions, as well as kicking back with their new mates.
Clubs run four days a week from 9.30am-12.30pm and 2.30pm-5.30pm, letting you all catch up over lunch to share your adventures. We can also look after your teens on two evenings until 11 pm, giving you the chance for a relaxing adults-only night.

Think activities, not sightseeing
Announce plans to tour a museum or historical site and you’re likely to be rewarded with the mother of all eye rolls. So unless your teens are genuine fans of sightseeing, try and fill your holiday with activities that you can all lap up. If there’s something your super keen to do that you know they’ll hate, why not make some kind of trade where they get to choose the next activity. It’s always good to practice the art of compromise! We’re masters at it.
Outdoor activities are a great mood-booster and learning a new skill like dinghy sailing, wakeboarding or stand up paddle boarding is a fantastic way to keep motivation high. There’s a huge range of inclusive activities at our beachclubs, so boredom is never a worry.

Give teens their freedom
Teenagers love to be as independent as possible (for the most part), so having the run of a safe holiday location can give them a great sense of freedom and confidence.
Families with teenagers often like to choose separate rooms (perhaps interconnecting for younger teens) over family rooms to give everyone their space.
With teens (aged 14 and over) able to get involved in our activity teaching sessions for adults, a beachclub holiday is a perfect opportunity to give them freedom: let them follow their own interests and choose their own programme of activities.

And some family time, of course...
While we’re all for letting teens spread their wings, it’s nice to balance that freedom with some quality family time. With the breakneck speed of everyday life, it can be hard for both adults and teens to connect on a daily basis, and a relaxed holiday can be the perfect setting to get to know each other again.
Whether it’s talking over dinner or trying a new sport together, family holidays are a rare chance to enjoy each other’s company and get a glimpse into your teenager’s world. If you’re really lucky, this could be the perfect moment for them to share their favourite tunes, YouTube videos and dance moves with their ageing parents.

Embrace lie-ins
Teenagers are notorious for liking to sleep late. Studies have shown this is actually a natural shift in their sleeping patterns rather than the often suspected laziness, so it can be lovely to give them a break from those early mornings and let them re-charge in their own time. After all, it’s their holiday too.
On the plus side, you get to enjoy a lie-in too. It’s a win-win.

That teenage necessity, Wi-Fi. It may drive us to distraction, but teenagers rely on their peers, so giving them the chance to check in with their mates every now and then is a great way to keep them smiling.
We’ll leave the last word on teenage-friendly holidays to one of our Neilson teens:
“I joined TAG which is for 16 and 17-year-olds. It’s great because it’s a relaxed way to meet people your own sort of age and you can then hang out on holiday together.” Read more of what Dan and other kids club members had to say here.