Family holidays are of course always brilliant but why not go one step further and learn something new together this year? You’ll experience a whole host of positive benefits; from instilling more confident attitudes to creating happy memories and even make steps towards improving mental health. Let us tell you more...
Values for life
Sharing fun experiences and learning something new together as a family, be it stand up paddle boarding, dinghy sailing or tennis, can teach your children excellent life lessons - without them realising! By pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and physically showing your children it’s okay to be a beginner at something will help them recognise it’s all about embracing a positive attitude towards learning and not all about natural ability. Sometimes you’ll nail it, sometimes you’ll fail it – but the important thing is you’ve had a go.
As you try new activities together on holiday, you may find your kids are better than you! Heh ho, this will show them that much of the thrill of learning comes from your own achievements and you don’t need to compare yourself to others to benefit from the experience. It’s good to be able to laugh at yourself and simply be happy you tried your best.
It may even be that you put yourself out on a limb a little and try something you feel nervous about, maybe rock climbing or water skiing. By doing so, you’ll demonstrate a healthy attitude to your children by giving it a go anyway – showing it’s ok to be scared sometimes and that the reward is worth the risk!

Stronger holiday memories
We should all be spending money on holidays rather than toys, according to one of Britain’s leading child psychologists! It seems Britain has the second highest annual spend on toys in the world, yet up to two thirds of presents we give our children aren’t wanted or valued. Time to start travelling instead we think!
Visiting new places and trying new things on holiday embeds strong memories but experiencing new activities also has a significant impact on our brains. This is because we’re taken out of our everyday environment, both in terms of the weather and landscape, but also with new equipment and new people; getting your head around all those new experiences, plus the rush you get when you master a technique, all serve to create really strong happy memories.
In addition, research conducted by Neilson found that whilst adults only learn a new sport every five years, the feelings of confidence, pride and excitement make a lasting impression, and kids have the same positive memories of learning new things too. What are you waiting for?

Finding new passions
Discovering and learning a new sport as a family on holiday could tempt you into continuing that sport at home. And why not? If there are more of you to keep the interest alive, the chances are you’ll go for it. Whether it’s taking more bike rides together, starting a tennis club membership or just being more open to trying new sports – there are so many activities that you can have a go at on holiday but which could also become a part of your lifestyle once you’re home.
Just by learning something as a family once can break your every-day routine and help you take on more active opportunities once you’re back home, whether it’s pursuing the same activity, or trying another new fun activity as a family.

A mental uplift
If we’ve still not given you enough reasons to have a go at learning something new as a family, consider the mental health benefits. Getting involved in active pursuits as a family is a great way to benefit from the uplift in mental wellbeing you’ll achieve from exercising in a natural environment.
Getting active outdoors aka ‘Green exercise’ – even it’s just for five minutes “boosts mental health” reported the Daily Telegraph. It said a study has found that “exercising in wilderness areas or near water tended to have the biggest impact on mental state”. Now, whilst we can’t claim our beachclubs to be in the wilderness, we’re definitely by the water. Time to get active!