Travelling with young children opens up a whole new world of fun but can also put your patience to the test.If you’re planning your first family holiday overseas, here are our top ten tips to help make travelling with toddlers as easy as a walk in the park.
Take it nice and easy
If you’re travelling with toddlers, you simply have to take your time. Kids don’t like to be rushed, especially when there are so many new things to see and different places to explore! Trying to hurry them along is likely to push your stress levels up too. So, factor in plenty of travel time – particularly when it comes to the airport.Airports are such exciting places for children, especially when it’s their first time.Providing you have enough time to let them marvel at the moving walkways, conveyer belts, and bright lights plus of course the actual planes, the travelling becomes part of the whole holiday experience.

Take your wheels
At most UK airports now, it’s a lengthy process (and often a lengthy walk too) between check in, security, through the shiny duty free shops and to the departure gate. Take a lightweight buggy as on most journeys you’ll be able to take this right up to the board gate - it’ll double up as child transport and hand luggage store! It’ll also prove handy when you reach your destination. Alternatively, child-friendly baggage options such as Trunki suitcases, double up as hand luggage and ride-on transport around the airport!
Channel the energy
Let them burn off as much energy as possible in the terminal. Some airports will have a family area with a play section for children so it’s worth tracking this down once you’re through security. If not, let them explore… a few laps around the departure lounge or an active game of iSpy with your toddler will hopefully lead to your little whirlwinds appreciating some quiet time once they get on the plane.

Pack like a pro
The key to successful travel with toddlers is all contained within your hand luggage! If you’ve paid for a seat on the plane for your little one (usually necessary when they’re 2 years plus), you can pack a carry-on bag for them too so you have room to play with. And they’ll love helping decide what to pack in their very own travel bag. Rucksacks would be our recommendation for your hand luggage, as they’ll allow you to keep both hands free for passport showing/hand holding and buggy pushing!
A spare set of clothes or two is top of the list, followed swiftly by a pack of baby wipes (the answer to so many messy issues!) We’d go as far as saying it’s worth packing a spare top for yourself too as toddlers do like to share sticky fingers and drinks tip off those seat trays pretty easily!
Buy water once you’re through check-in so you have it to hand when you get on board and swerve the wait for the in-flight refreshments service. It’s also worth having a few sweets tucked away to help your toddler’s ears through take-off and landing.

Go digital
If you’re travelling by plane, you don’t want to be lugging bulky bags on board packed with all your toddler’s favourite toys (half of which will end up lost beneath the seats anyway). By all means pack a few books or a travel game like Snap! but this is where tablets come into their own, together with a pre-loaded selection of supply of toddler-friendly games and their favourite CBeebies programmes. Compact, lightweight and a sure fire way to encourage your little one to chill out in their seat once the excitement of take-off has subsided!

Snack attack
Getting hungry can make us all feel a little grumpy but with toddlers, a rumbling belly can quickly descend into a full-blown meltdown. Not the ideal situation on a flight or transfer coach! Rather than relying on the all-too-costly in-flight menu or attempting to find something your toddler will find familiar in a local Greek supermarket, it’s worth packing a few of their favourite snacks to keep the hunger pangs at bay.

Remember the home comforts
Everything about travelling will be incredibly exciting for toddlers – the airport, the planes, the take off, the “we’re in the sky” moments!The energy that goes into all that excitement can however lead to tired toddlers so whatever you do, don’t forget that favourite soft toy or comforter for when they’re ready to snuggle down.And if you have room in your hand luggage, it’s worth squeezing in a small pillow or lightweight blanket too.

Be prepared for anything
A temperature, earache or upset stomach can hit at any time and you don’t want to be a 40,000 feet when this happens, especially without your usual supply of remedies and medicines.Pack an emergency stash of an infant suspension like Calpol; these are usually available in handy sachets now so that you don’t need to worry about the 100ml limit or a bottle spilling.Eardrops may also be useful in combating any altitude challenges and if your toddler suffers with travel sickness then do of course ensure you’re covered for this. Finally, a small bottle of hand sanitiser will help keep the bugs at bay.

Be early and board first
The last thing you want is to be the family sprinting through the airport with hand luggage hanging off one arm and a toddler on the other, in a desperate bid to get to the board gate on time. Take a leisurely stroll along, treat yourself to a drink when you get there and with any luck your airline will board families first. This will allow you a little time to secure your overhead compartment space and unpack your take-off essentials (water and sweets to combat altitude ears) before everyone else climbs on board.

Above all, stay cool
You can be the most prepared parent on the planet but if your toddler decides it’s tantrum time on the plane or transfer, remain calm!We’ve all been there and if you’re heading off to a family-friendly destination, it’s likely there’ll be plenty of other parents on board dealing with their own mini meltdowns and sympathising rather than judging.It’ll all be forgotten once you reach your holiday destination.And relax!